



1. Gao, Z.Q,Gao, W., and Chang, N. B.2012.Evaluation of Dynamic Linkages between Evapotranspiration and Land Use/Land Cover Changes with Landsat TM and ETM+ Data . International Journal of Remote Sensing3312):3733-3750. [doi:10.1080/01431161.2011.636766]

2. Gao, Z.Q, Xie, X.P., Gao, W., and Chang, N. B.2011. Spatial Analysis of Terrain-impacted Photosynthetic Active Radiation (PAR) Using MODIS Data . GIScience & Remote Sensing. 48(4) : 501-521. [doi: 10.2747/1548-1603.48.4.1 ].

3. Gao, Z. Q., C. S. Liu, W. Gao, and N. B. Chang. 2011. A coupled remote sensing and the surface energy balance with topography algorithm (SEBTA) to estimate actual evapotranspiration under complex terrain. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 15:119-139. [doi:10.5194/hess-15-1-2011].

4. Gao,Z.Q., Wei Gao, Nibin Chang. 2011. Integrating Satellite-based Temperature Vegetation Dryness Index (TVDI) with Regional Water Stress Index (RWSI) for Drought Impact Assessment in a Developed Coastal Region. international Journal of Applied Earth Observationand Geoinformation. 13:495-503.[doi:10.1016/j.jag.2010.10.005].

5. Gao, Z.Q., Gao, W., and Chang, N. B.2010. Comparative Analyses of Ultraviolet-B over the Continental US with NASA TOMS Data and USDA Ground-based Measurements. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing.Vol. 4, 043547. [DOI: 10.1117/1.3507249].

6. Gao, Z.Q, Gao, W., and Chang, N. B. 2010. Multidecadal Change Detection of Total Ozone Concentrations over the Continental US with NASA TOMS Data and USDA Groundbased Measurements. Remote Sens.,2:262-277. [doi:10.3390/rs2010262].

7. Gao, Z.Q, Zhang, W. J., Gao, W., and Chang, N. B. 2009 . Using MODIS Images for Modeling the Land Surface Heat Exchange Process in Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Vol(3), 033573. [DOI: 10.1117/1.3290811] .

8. GAO, Z.Q.LIU J.Y.,2008.Simulation study of China’s net primary production. Chinese Science Bulletin,533: 434-443. [DOI: 10.1007/s11434-008-0097-8 ]

9. GAO, Z.Q. , Liu, J.Y., Cao, M.K. 2005.Impacts of land-use and climate changes on ecosystem productivity and carbon cycle in the cropping-grazing transitional zone in China. Science in China Series D-Earth Sciences, 48(9):1479-1491. [DOI: 10.1360/03yd0372]

10. Gao Zhiqiang,Liu Jiyuan.2004. Impacts of land use and climate change on regional net primary productivity. Journal of Geographic Sciences,14(3):349-358.[DOI: 10.1007/BF02837416]

11. Gao Zhiqiang,Jiyuan LiuandXiangzheng Deng.2003. Spatial features of land use/land cover change in the United States.Journal of Geographical Sciences, 13(1):63-70. [DOI: 10.1007/BF02873148].

12. Gao Zhiqiang, Xiangzheng Deng. 2002. Analysis on Spatial Features of LUCC Based on Remote Sensing and GIS in China. Journal of Geographic Sciences, 12(2): 107-113. [DOI: 10.1007/s11769-002-0017-9]

13. Gao Zhiqiang, Dennis Ojima. 2001. The temporal and spatial relational analysis between NDVI and Climatological parameters in Colorado. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 11(4):411-419. [DOI: 10.1007/BF02837968]

14. 高志强,宁吉才, 高炜. 2009. 基于遥感的沿海土地利用变化及地表温度响应.农业工程学报,25(9):274281.

15. 高志强, 刘纪远.2008. 中国植被净生产力的比较研究. 科学通报,53(3):317-326.

16. 高志强, 刘纪远. 2006.1980-2000年中国LUCC对气候变化的响应.地理学报, 61:865-872.

17. 高志强, 刘纪远, 曹明奎. 2004. 土地利用和气候变化对农牧过渡区生态系统生产力和碳循环的影响. 中国科学 D, 34:946-957.

18. 高志强, 刘纪远.2004.土地利用和气候变化对区域净生产力的影响.地理学报,59:581-591.

19. 高志强, 刘纪远. 2003. 基于陆面模式和遥感技术的地表温度比较.地理学报,584: 494-502.

20. 高志强,刘纪远.2000. 基于遥感和GIS的中国土地潜力资源的研究.遥感学报, 4(2):136-140.


环境遥感与信息系统、海岸带地理过程研究、数字海岸带及3D可视化研究。海岸带是一个受全球气候变化、 海平面上升、人类活动影响最大的海陆相互作用的敏感区域。以数字地球理念为指导,进行海平面变化的数值模拟及地理过程响应研究;利用SEBTA模型和AVSWATX模型开展相关的河口海岸带土地利用变化对水热通量、地表径流及河流入海泥沙量影响的模拟研究; 基于Geodatabase数据模型、ArcSDE技术、SQL Server数据库,研究实现海岸带及近海数据的统一存储和管理。选择Skyline软件或Google Earth软件平台进行数字海岸带典型区域的陆上及水下和小流域的三维设计及WebGIS平台开发,实现数字化海岸带的可视化建设。

联系方式: E-mail:zqgao@yic.ac.cn


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